3 Barrels: Moorman tops $15m in Online Cashes; Bonomo on Ike; Chop-Chop

Three poker snippets including Chris Moorman topping $15m in online cashes, Justin Bonomo with praise for Ike Haxton, and a rare insight into a One Drop chop-chop. 

I had to clean out my shit, and that meant all of my books going to my son, charity or the tip. I came across Chris Moorman’s second book. Pristine. No autograph this time. I hadn’t read it; no reflection on Chris; a simple case of realising I would never read all the books I wanted to before meeting my maker.

In a compromise, I took the book over to the local coffee shop, figuring I could read a few morsels while waiting for the barista to create a dragon in the froth of my Coconut Latte.

I picked it up a week later.