Russia to simplify online sports betting account registration

Russia’s government is helping bookmakers by simplifying the cumbersome online sports betting account registration process.

Russia’s Ministry of Finance recently drafted new legislation that would eliminate the current requirement for online betting punters to register online with a centralized payment hub (TSUPIS) and then confirm that registration by physically presenting proof of identity at a land-based betting shop or at the bookmakers’ retail partner.

The draft legislation states that a Russian-licensed online bookmaker “has the right to entrust … the identification of a gambling participant to the center for the recording of online betting of bookmakers or sweepstakes, operating in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law of December 29 2006 No. 244-FZ.”

The move follows a meeting earlier this week between government officials and representatives of Russia’s 14 licensed online bookmakers, who expressed frustration with the two-step registration process.