French online poker operators told to nix the bonus offers

France’s online gambling regulator has instructed its online poker licensees to stop offering bonuses to players who might be tempted to play more during COVID-19 self-isolation.

On Tuesday, French regulator ARJEL issued a notice regarding the current paucity of live sports and racing events, which has left France’s online gamblers with few legal options besides online poker (France has yet to authorize online casino gambling).

ARJEL said online poker revenue has “increased significantly in recent weeks,” coinciding with restrictions on public gatherings that led to the suspension of most sports and racing events. This was “attracting more players and in particular new players” to online poker, who might not be used to this “more intensive practice.”

ARJEL said operators “should not multiply incentives to gambling” by offering bonuses to players and should be “particularly vigilant” about players exhibiting signs of problem gambling activity. ARJEL also urged players to make use of programs intended to limit deposits, spending and time spent playing poker.