21 questions online poker rooms should answer (part 1)

Inspired by a Bernadette Jiwa blog post entitled 21 Questions for Creators and Innovators, Lee Davy, tries answering them wearing the hat of an online poker room founder.

This morning, I received an email from the marketing genius, Bernadette Jiwa, called 21 Questions For Creators and Innovators and it’s got the cogs whirring. As I search through the Internet looking for scraps of poker news like seagulls looking for castaway French Fries in a seaside resort, I wonder if the online poker rooms who so desperately vie for our attention, see us, hear us, make us feel loved?

So, as I look out across the veranda at the eagle soaring effortlessly in the bright blue sky, I’ve decided to take a look at Bernadette’s questions and share my thoughts when it comes to the online poker rooms adherence to them.

Before I begin, it’s important to explain that Bernadette believes that answering these 21 questions will bring a company closer to their intention.