Silvio Berlusconi to the rescue of Italy’s gambling industry?

Italy’s scandal-ridden former prime minister Silvio Berlusconi may end up riding to the rescue of the country’s gambling industry.

On Sunday, Italy’s President Sergio Mattarella surprised the nation by rejecting the new coalition government’s choice for finance minister. The news prompted a frustrated Prime Minister-designate Giuseppe Conte to resign, meaning Italian voters are likely headed back to the polls in another few months.

Earlier this month, the recently formed coalition of the Euro-phobic Five Star Movement (MS5) and the right-wing League party released a document outlining their plans for governing Italy, which included “the elimination of gambling machines (slot machines, video lottery terminals)” and “an absolute ban on [gambling] advertising and sponsorships.”

Industry reaction to the coalition document was a mix of incredulity and alarm, and reaction to the coalition’s sudden demise has been a mix of relief and uncertainty as to what comes next.