Casino construction still off-limits in Boracay, Philippine official says

The Duterte administration has reiterated its promise to keep Boracay casino-free as it announced its plans to reopen the country’s popular tourist spot ahead of the original October 26 schedule, state-run PTV News reported.

Speaking at the second pre-State of the Nation Address 2018 forum in Manila, Philippine Interior and Local Government OIC Secretary Eduardo Año assured the public that the government remained committed in blocking any casino construction plans on the island even after it opened to the public. In opposing any casino construction in the island, Año pointed out that people go to Boracay “to swim and not to gamble.”

“First of all, the President (Rodrigo Duterte) had already decided and announced that no construction of casino Boracay will be allowed,” Año said, according to the news outlet.

Meanwhile, Philippine Environment Secretary Roy Cimatu reported that the government is on track with its plan to open Boracay on October 26 after undergoing a six-month major rehabilitation and clean-up drive.