Adam Kling shows how Bitcoin SV creates transparency in esports

The esports industry is growing at an incredible rate, and the gambling world are just waiting for the stars to align to make it the next big betting product. At the CoinGeek London conference, Kronoverse’s Adam Kling explained how, through using the power of Bitcoin SV (BSV), esports can prove itself to be a product of integrity, and provide all the data needed for operators to push it hard.

Kling began his presentation by emphasizing the growth esports is currently experiencing. “Last year alone, a billion dollars they hit finally, with 454 million spectators watching it,” he said. “In just a couple of years, $1.8 billion and 644 million watching.”

One of the common criticisms of esports scene has been a perceived lack of integrity, as many games are prone to cheating and match fixing. Players have been found to openly brag about their cheating methods online, Kling noted. Even if caught and banned, a lack of identity protocols has allowed them to sneak back in to major tournaments.

Kling described the two main methods game publishers are currently using to snuff out cheaters with a lack of success. “They can use a client side detection, which is really like an anti-virus software that runs and looks for suspicious programs,” he said. “And you have server side detection, where the game developer would essentially contract with an anti-cheat company to look on their multiplayer server and basically flag suspicious players by their statistics.”