China’s new anti-online gambling effort not the same old, same old

China’s anti-online gambling efforts are turning their focus to cross-border money movement as ‘underground banking’ comes to play a larger role in funding international online gambling activity.

On Thursday, Wang Xiaohong, deputy minister of China’s Ministry of Public Security, hosted a video conference with officials who head up Public Security Departments in some of China’s largest provinces. The purpose of the meeting was to ensure everyone understood the Ministry’s recent anti-online gambling effort was no passing fancy.

Last week, the Ministry issued a Notice on Strictly Combating Cross-Border Gambling and Telecommunications Network Fraud During the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic. Its contents were largely a rehash of a similar notice issued in March but Thursday’s quick follow-up suggests the Ministry wants to ensure no officials treat this effort as the same old, same old.

Thursday’s meeting saw Wang (pictured) emphasize the need for officials to “fight hard and strike hard” and implement a “full-chain crackdown as soon as possible.” Wang urged all parties to “severely crack down on ‘underground banks’ involved in gambling and fund payment channels, provide cross-border gambling network services and technology promotion.”