Poker launches Keep The Lights On initiative to help poker media survive

An initiative from Poker Central, Global Poker and poker clothing company RunGoodGear has been launched in order to ‘Keep The Lights On’ for freelance poker media from this Monday, April 27th.

The idea of the pledge-based charitable enterprise is simple – to raise vital funds for those who would otherwise be employed as freelance poker media during a time when there is no live poker upon which to report. From dealers to reporters, the World Series of Poker being postponed confirms one thing – poker media workers are going to have a lean few months.

In order to raise urgently needed funds, the initiative is offering to pay the utility bills of anyone working in the poker media, with those who believe they are deserving of some of the funds needing to submit their information by May 11th.

The Keep The Lights On streaming games will take place with three players striving to cash for each pledge, those three players being Jamie Kerstetter, Jeff Platt, and Brian ‘TheGoldenBlazer’ Frenzel. With the pledging site already open and available for donations right here, funds raised have already passed $14,500. Run Good Gear have already put together an information page about the idea.