James Curwen: “I know what operators want”

To design a game that players will want to play, having a deep understanding of what they like can play a key role. Golden Rock Studios, with decades of combined operator experience, have that knowledge, and CEO James Curwen joined our Becky Liggero Fontana at ICE London 2020 to discuss their new products.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lE-lIMyP_E?feature=oembed&w=500&h=281]

Golden Rock came into ICE with two new products to promote, and rather than bringing in striking new innovations, they apply little twists to old favorites, and it sounds like a formula that will work. “We launched two games recently, because we’ve just started out, and Roulette x2, it’s a twist on traditional roulette,” Curwen said. “It’s really slick, it’s got fast play chips so you can bet faster than any other roulette, and the other added bonus is that every single spin, the customer can get double payout. So unlike any other game you can get double payouts on this roulette for free. So we don’t believe a roulette player will play anything else.”

They also applied the same thinking to a slot game. “So Wild Predators is aimed at VIPs,” he noted. “It’s a classic five liner with a single bonus round, but it triggers over and over again your original win. So it really is aimed at that top market, and the top 2,000 players on everyone’s site that they make the most money from.”