Evolution Gaming doubles profits as live casino interest grows

Live dealer online casino specialists Evolution Gaming nearly doubled their profits in the first quarter of 2020 as bettors sought out online alternatives following the pandemic-related shutdown of live sports.

Figures released late last week show the Stockholm-listed Evolution’s revenue hit €115.1m in the three months ending March 31, 45% higher than the same period last year. Earnings were up 79% to €64.1m as margins rose 10 points to 55.7%, which pushed profit up 90% to €54.2m.

Growth was strongest in Asian markets, which saw revenue nearly triple year-on-year to €20.8m, while the Rest of Europe (non-Nordic and UK) was up nearly 50% to €59.8m and North America gained 54% to €7.1m. Nordic revenue was flat at €6.2m while the UK was the lone decliner, falling one-fifth to €9.9m.

Evolution’s overall numbers have been on a dramatic upswing for some time but really took off as the sports calendar went blank in March. Company CEO Martin Carlesund said the “strong demand” has continued into the current quarter, resulting in many customers being exposed to Evolution’s offering for the first time.