Now might be a good time to start thinking about a vacation

More than possibly any other time in recent history, people need a vacation. Between global pandemics and massive riots, stress levels are at a new high and getting away from it all might just be what the doctor ordered. Fortunately, planning a trip could be more economically feasible now, which is welcome news to everyone who has been forced to lead more frugal lives. For many looking to get away from it all, there’s good news – some travel agencies are offering discounts of up to 65%.

It’s worth pointing out that the discounts may not be available for everyone in all geographic regions, so “your mileage may vary.” However, the Daily Mail points out that it has found a number of travel agencies offering significant cuts in package deals that will certainly make travelers happy. For example, it provides an example of a two-night trip to Paris (the one in France, not the one in Texas) from Travel Zoo that will run the traveler just £79 ($99), which is up to 64% off the normal price. In addition, UK travel agency Tui has a three-night all-inclusive trip to Bulgaria in July for £296 ($371), instead of the normal £543 ($680). Want to head to Spain’s Canary Islands? £394 ($493), not £606 ($759) like it normally costs.

Of course, there is still reason to be a little reluctant to plan any travel. While international travel is beginning to see daylight again, it hasn’t yet been completely authorized without restrictions, and some travelers may find that their vacation plans are forced to be called off if the situation doesn’t improve rapidly. According to Rory Boland of Which? Travel, “If consumers are keen to book something now they should go into it with their eyes open. If the FCO (Foreign and Commonwealth Office) advice is still in place when their holiday is due to take place, they will get a refund, but there’s a good chance they will be waiting a long time. Holiday providers need to make it clear to their customers that these holidays may not take place.”

If anyone decides to take advantage of any available discounts, they need to make sure they know the rules before making a purchase. Ask about refund policies if the trip is canceled due to changes in government responses to the coronavirus, as well as any potential quarantine requirements or other restrictions. If a travel agency isn’t willing to share the information or doesn’t know, it would be a good idea to take business elsewhere.