JJ Watt leads players protest against lack of medical protocols in NFL

With the return of the National Football League, NFL players have been using the hashtag #WeWantToPlay over the weekend to explain why they are frustrated with some medical protocols not being in place. They don’t feel safe, and they’re letting the fans know. The blow-up is already huge but may yet see huge problems envelop the return of one of the biggest sportsbetting events of the year.

It’s clear that players are angry, and Watt’s Twitter status on Sunday night showed as much in an extremely frank way.

Once again in the interest of keeping everyone (players & fans) as informed as possible, here is an updated list of what we as players know and don’t know as the first group gets set to report to training camp tomorrow.#WeWantToPlay pic.twitter.com/xQcjs33zgM

— JJ Watt (@JJWatt) July 19, 2020https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js