Slots should look to Call of Duty for inspiration: Savvas Fellas

Slots just aren’t innovating as fast as some people would like. While everyone in the industry bangs their head on a few key ideas, Savvas Fellas, founder of Lindar Media, suggests they might want to look to games like Call of Duty: Warzone for inspiration.

During a panel at the SBC Digital Summit Berclona, Fellas bemoaned the lack of new features in slots gaming. “Innovation, our bar is too low,” he said, citing a lack of progress specifically in skill features in gaming.

But one of the hottest video games this year, Warzone has lots of features slots could borrow from, increasing social aspects that could do wonders during a time of pandemic.

Things like customized guns, blinged out name tags and spray paints are not new features in video games, having existed for years now. While they provide no tangible advantage to the player, people pay and work to get the ones they want, and that encourages others to do the same. That could hold lessons for the slot industry, Fellas said, as so many crave a more social experience while locked at home.