What’s in a name? Lawsuits reveal the Achilles’ heel of American gambling law

“The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names”


Computer giant Apple is involved in multiple suits against its App Store offerings. Just now there are filings in the courts of Connecticut, Ohio, and New Mexico. Their arguments and allegations are quite similar (in fact the Connecticut and Ohio cases were filed by the same attorney).

Their common complaint is that Apple allowed the sale of illegal games through its colossal App Store. This gargantuan online marketplace sells computer apps to 175 countries. using 40 languages. There are over a million discrete titles covering music, office aids, art, billing and payment solutions, advertising, data analysis, and almost anything else you can think of. Total downloads from this enterprise are estimated to be in the hundreds of billions. In 2019 alone its billings and sales totaled almost $520 billion.