China purges 105 mobile apps for spreading ‘content chaos’

China’s online gambling antagonism has contributed to the country’s cyber-watchdog dropping the ban-hammer on over 100 mobile apps for creating ‘content chaos.’

On Tuesday, the State Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) announced that it had ordered the removal of 105 mobile applications that certain busybodies complained were “spreading obscene, pornographic, violent, bloody and other illegal information, and providing illegal services such as fraud, gambling, and prostitution.” 

The purge was reportedly part of a “special rectification of mobile application information content chaos” that the cyber-prudes initiated on November 5. This anti-chaos drive is reportedly only just the beginning of the CAC’s drive to ensure a “clear cyberspace.” 

Among the most recognizable apps to be hitting the bricks belonged to travel site TripAdvisor, although the precise reason behind its inclusion remains unclear. The company has yet to comment publicly on the report, but it’s possible that the app committed the cardinal sin of referring to Hong Kong or Taiwan as a separate country.