Russian bookmakers groan as Duma approves stiff tax hikes, regulatory shakeup

Russia’s betting operators got a serious lump of coal in their Christmas stockings as legislators abruptly approved a major regulatory shakeup, including even higher taxes than originally proposed. 

On Wednesday, Russia’s Duma approved second and third readings of the controversial new legislation that aims to (a) dramatically hike Russian bookmakers’ financial contributions to local sports, (b) create a new Unified Gambling Regulator, (c) abolish two existing industry associations and (d) establish a single hub for online betting payments.

The approval – the third reading garnered 76.4% support from Duma deputies – came despite the Ministry of Finance suggesting just the day before that deputies wait until January 22 to submit further amendments to the bill. Instead, a flurry of changes was submitted at the 11th hour and legislators apparently saw no point in delaying further progress.  

One of these amendments suggested raising the proposed cut of betting turnover that would be funnelled to the appropriate sports body on whose event the bet was made from 1% to 1.5%.