Alex Wicen believes you can’t put a price on player incentives

After more than a decade in the industry, Unibo co-founder Alex Wicen believes that you can’t put a price on the importance of player incentives. Wicen sat down with lead reporter Becky Liggero Fontana to elaborate on the types of player incentives that continue to be a drawcard in the gambling industry.

There’s more than one way to keep players involved. Wicen explained the differences between incentives that encourage brand loyalty, as opposed to the type that encourages players to continue spending. “All incentives are there to in essence get players staying longer or playing longer or having more fun. This hopefully leads to the player coming back more often and if you have more fun playing you should come back. But regulatory jurisdictional people are very much against the things, that kind of make you change the idea behind the casino game,” Wicen said. can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Alex Wicen believes you can’t put a price on player incentives (

Wicen elaborates further on how some casino bonuses aren’t providing the long-term value to players: