Sports on Screen: Match of the Day (1964-present)

Since 1964, Match of the Day has been a legendary television programme, broadcasting highlights of top-flight football. In television terms, it is the shiny-backed cockroach of the Sport on Screen landscape and has survived the best part of half a century by sticking to its unique selling points and playing to its strengths.

What are they and could Match of the Day survive another 50 years, or will it eventually be replaced? Let’s wallow in the wonder of a football one-off.

The Origins of an Iconic Show

Match of the Day used to show just one game’s highlights at length on a Saturday night when it first came around, and that was in black and white, too. Coverage was presented by Kenneth Wolstenholme (he of the infamous 1966 World Cup Final commentary “They think it’s all over… it is now!”) for the first three years.