World Poker Tour & LivingItLovingIt Introduce Multi-Venue Series Poker and the WPT National Iberia Series

The World Poker Tour and LivingItLovingIt are rolling out a brand new format of poker known as Multi-Venue Series, and the first event to delve into this new concept will be the Season XV WPT National Iberia Main Event.

In conjunction with the World Poker Tour (WPT), event management and consultancy outfit LivingItLovingIt (LILI), are about to roll out a fresh new approach to live tournament poker, and I love it.

For far too long, tournament poker organisers have been expressing their opinions, and not saying what the customers wants to hear. They have created tournaments and events they believe their customers will desire, instead of first understanding their customer’s problems and desired outcomes and delivering on those two specifics.

What we have been left with is a lot of noise, sameness, and an industry that fails to understand their customer’s worldview because they aren’t listening.