Confessions of a Poker Writer: Boobs, Bluff and Bollocks

In this week’s confessions series, Lee Davy, gives the readers an insight into how the universe sends him his writing ideas.

Where do you get your ideas from?

That’s a question I get asked a lot, although I never used to understand why? Ideas came naturally to me, so I didn’t understand why it could be a problem for people? I now understand that people who have this problem are stuck in a perpetual loop of mind-fucked inaction because of the way they think. The thought of generating ideas is difficult for them, and so by thinking that, it becomes their reality. So, my first piece of advice is stop thinking like that.

If you open your mind a little. If you can believe that your thoughts generate your reality, and use that to your advantage by asking for writing ideas to trip you up as you walk down the road – it will happen. Your problem will vanish.

Here is an example of how numerous ideas have come my way since last night. This is not a milestone blog post. It’s a snapshot in time, and I will repeat this process when I think it will be beneficial to readers.

One important note before I blab on any further. You can expand this way of thinking, and incorporate it into any area of your life. Shit man, you can make this way of being the core of your life. I know that I do.

I am having a conversation with myself about Facebook. It’s pissing me off. It used to be a forum where I could catch up on my friend’s lives. Now it’s a relentless reel of video content that momentarily gives me motion sickness.