NFL Super Bowl XLIX Prop Bets Part 2: Props I’d Like To See

We need a new set of props if we are going to bet the Super Bowl.

I’ve already established that betting on prop bets at the Super Bowl is pretty fun. But every year, it seems that the same type of props are being offered. Some involve the national anthem and the halftime show. Others involve the color of the Gatorade, the coin toss, and the first scoring play of the game.

All these props are cool, but they’ve been offered so many times that they’ve lost a little bit of originality. That’s where I come into the picture.

In the second part of my prop series on Super Bowl XLIX, I’m taking a short detour and present a handful of props that I want to see get offered, even though sportsbooks are unlikely to take that course of action, for one reason or another.

Who knows, maybe a sportsbook gets to read this and decides to offer them. Just give a hat tip if you do.

If Richard Sherman wins Super Bowl MVP, will he ignore Commissioner Roger Goodell and instead shake the hand of and/or talk to Cardboard Cut-Out Roger Goodell?

Given the manner by which Sherman and Doug Baldwin mocked the NFL a few months ago with that pre-meditated press conference, this one could get interesting if Sherman somehow wins Super Bowl MVP and has to stand on the podium next to Goodell for the trophy presentation. Normally, a handshake between the MVP and the Commish happens in these moments, but wouldn’t be the ultimate slap in the face of Goodell if Sherman refuses to shake his hand and/or talk to him, instead bringing out a cardboard cut-out of Goodell and then shaking the hand of said cardboard and talking to him…or it.

If that happens, forget about the game itself. That would be what everyone will be talking about for years to come.