Both the English and Scottish Football Associations are promising to defy orders from FIFA to not let their players wear poppies on their kit despite the possible threat of points deductions.
With the UK voting to leave the European Union (EU) and the American people choosing Donald Trump as their President I am getting the distinct impression that people don’t like people, particularly if those people look, behave or talk differently.
It’s a thought that is rather depressing, like realising there are no more seasons of Mr Robot. I reassure myself by remembering that times have not changed. This fear of people has touched my life ever since I have been born and football has been the biggest divisor of all.
As England prepares to take on Scotland in the first of two World Cup qualifying clashes on Friday night, it got me thinking about my experiences north of the border. On the two occasions, I visited Inverness I narrowly escaped getting my head caved on both occasions because I was a ‘Chinky looking Sassenach.’