The Phil Ivey v Borgata baccarat case takes another twist after the card manufacturers Gemaco reminds the court of an interesting revelation from Ivey’s sidekick Chen Yin Sun.
Phil Ivey’s fight to keep the $10m he won playing baccarat at The Borgata in Atlantic City is starting to resemble a World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) pay-per-view. Just when you think it’s going to wilt like over boiled asparagus, up pops a new twist to keep the saga rolling.
The last time I wrote on this subject, The Borgata had won, and Ivey needed to find $10.1m after a judge decided Ivey and his accomplice Chen Yin Sun had won the money unfairly.
Ivey, who firmly believes he has done nothing more than outsmarting an Orwellian casino industry, decided to push the case all the way to the U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeal, but that punch-up had to wait until the Borgata settled their separate dispute with the card manufacturers Gemaco.