Adding the Zero – Michigan becomes fifth U.S. State to bring online poker back

Online poker has been the elephant in America’s online cardrooms since Black Friday, the anniversary of which takes place this year. It will come as something of a relief, then, to millions of poker players that another state, Michigan, has legalized online poker.  

The Great Lakes State actually signed on the dotted line back in late 2019, but it’s taken all that time for PokerStars to offer Michigan-based players a way to play. That makes Michigan the fith state of the 50 in the United States to offer online poker – 10% of the country.  

So what would it take to add the zero to that number and make it 100% of Americans who are eligible to turn on their WiFi, load up a poker lobby and click to win?  

As we reported last week, Joe Biden could be the president who brings online poker back to America. That would be a big change, with 45 states needed to add to Michigan as well as the other four states in which online poker has been legalized: Nevada, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware.