This is a guest contribution by Graham Carrick, CEO & Founder of RunLastMan. If you would like to submit a contribution please contact Bill Beatty for submission details. Thank you.
You may have seen in the news over the past week or have gotten an email from Sky Bet (if you’ve signed up as an affiliate) that Sky Bet have, with a paltry 30 days notice, decided to disband their affiliate program that drives new players.
This seems a bit harsh on the affiliates right! But a quick check of the T&Cs shows that they’re actually allowed to shut the program down with zero notice so they were being nice with the 30 days.
Sure you may have been thinking so what, it’s just one of hundreds of betting sites! Or that they must just have another weapon up their sleeve to attract thousands of players without paying some chap who runs a football blog 30% of the losses for the next 4 years.