Australia’s online gambling surge slows, pizza delivery spikes

Australia’s online gambling activity is still in a state of pandemic elevation, although its growth took a bit of a hit in recent weeks.

New data published this week by economic analysts AlphaBeta and credit bureau Illion show Australian online gambling transactions in the week ending April 19 were up 60% from a ‘normal’ week. Only six economic categories posted any growth as spending per person was 14% below ‘normal’ levels.

The usual suspects have seized on these figures to renew their call to put online gambling in the public pillory, but it’s worth noting that growth figure was below the 67% rate Illion reported in the week ending March 29. Online gambling topped all growth sectors in the March results but in April could manage only third-place behind ‘furniture & office’ (+66%) and ‘food delivery’ (+156%).

If anything should sound the alarm, it’s the food delivery growth, which was up a comparatively paltry 63% on the March chart. Given that most order-in food is generally not high on the health scale, why are Australia’s Chicken Littles not screaming about the imminent spike in heart disease, diabetes and size XXL T-shirt sales?