Becky’s Affiliated: Digital event schedule for 2021

Continuing on with the theme of upcoming events in 2021, this week I wanted to focus on digital events, a schedule that is a bit more, shall we say, predictable than in-person events for the time being. 

While many of us experienced “digital event fatigue” towards the end of 2020, its important to look at the bright side of the situation. Never, ever in our gambling industry careers have we had so much information at our fingertips and in most cases, for free. Not to mention digital events are time-efficient, we don’t have to travel to another location, we don’t even have to get out of our pajamas to learn from the top experts our space. This is actually something quite special that might not continue once the pandemic is over, so take advantage while you can!

I’m sure there will be plenty more digital events popping up as the year goes on, once we have a better idea of what in-person events are going to push forward and which are not. 

Rather than list all the events in chronological order, they are grouped by organizer with short descriptions on what you can expect.