Becky’s Affiliated: How to manage your first week back after LAC & ICE

So LAC & ICE are over- now what?

Its amazing how you’re able to get by on adrenaline and caffeine for one week straight, yet the minute you get on the plane, you suddenly feel like death.  Some people even feel depressed on the way home because the excitement is over and its going to be another five months until we all reunite again.  The good news is there will be a next time and (hopefully) you’ve got something to show your boss after a week full of sessions, booths, networking and fun.

One of the best parts about the iGaming industry is its conferences and a part of the package includes how you manage your time straight after an event finishes.  After spending ten years attending these events, I’ve got a routine perfected, so here’s my advice on how to manage your first week back in the office after LAC & ICE come to an end.

1) Detox!

Its likely conferences for you mean changing time zones, big nights out, lots of alcohol, not enough sleep, unhealthy meals and generally overextending yourself for five or six days straight.  Before you do anything after returning from the conferences, be sure to take care of yourself.

Take a day or two off after the conference ends and make sure you catch up on your rest.  Take some time away from drinking if you’re a drinker, focus on hydration and eat an obscene amount of fruit and vegetables to boost your immune system.

2) Follow up with new contacts