Online bookmaker Betway has joined the European Sports Security Association (ESSA), the global integrity body for the regulated betting industry.
ESSA, a non-profit organization, monitors irregular betting patterns and possible instances of event manipulation. Betway is now a full participant in the reporting system, which is geared towards identifying any such betting behavior.
ESSA has invested in cutting-edge technology to ensure its reporting systems are world-leading, providing operators and their customers with an effective, flexible and robust integrity platform, playing a vital role as the regulated betting sector’s representative body at national and transnational match-fixing policy deliberations.
“We’re delighted to have joined ESSA, the industry standard for betting integrity,” said Betway CEO Richard Akitt. “ESSA provides the market leaders in regulated sports wagering with an effective, globally-recognized cross-border platform and it was a common sense move for us to align with other stakeholders to combat the threat of irregular and illegal betting activity.”