Calvin Ayre makes sizeable investment in TonicPow – a frictionless advertising solution using Bitcoin SV

TonicPow is a peer-to-peer digital advertising system. For individual users, it is an easy way to earn small amounts of Bitcoin recommending things you like to your friends and family. For a business, it’s a powerful tool that lets you create flexible, incentive-based advertising campaigns. It allows both sides to leverage the power of microtransactions without needing to understand Bitcoin.

This is possible because TonicPow uses the Bitcoin SV blockchain and its BSV digital currency, the only chain that significantly scales (now), is regulation-friendly and has robust utility.  As the massively scalable blockchain with super low transaction fees, Bitcoin SV enables micropayments and data usage that can re-invent the Internet experience.

So what does it do exactly?

Social Monetization for consumers: Earn Bitcoin SV for recommending your favorite products and services. The more engagement you drive, the more BSV you earn.