China seeks public help in crafting anti-online gambling propaganda

China’s anti-online gambling campaign is seeking public help in building awareness of gambling’s alleged evils, while continuing to inflict pain on gambling operators.

On August 13, a number of Chinese government agencies, including the feared Ministry of Public Security, announced the formal launch of a “publicity and education campaign for combating cross-border gambling.”

The campaign is being rolled out across all major Chinese social media channels, including Weibo, WeChat, Douyin and Kuaishou, and involves both “theme posters and short video solicitation activities.”

The government has invited members of the public to upload their own anti-gambling artwork and videos for consideration to become part of this “important propaganda position for cracking down on cross-border gambling.” Those whose submissions are good enough to be included in the campaign can win free laptops, tablets and other gear, as well as a likely boost in their personal score on China’s ‘social credit’ system. Deadlines for submissions are September 13.