Danish gamblers spend less than Nordic neighbors, prefer sports betting

Denmark’s gamblers spend far less than gamblers in neighboring Nordic countries and put far greater emphasis on sports betting than other gambling options.

On Tuesday, Denmark’s Spillemyndigheden regulatory agency released the results of a new survey of gambling activity across 10 European markets. The survey, which relied on 2019 data provided by H2 Gambling Capital, compared Europe’s top-10 per-capita gambling spending markets.

The survey ranked Denmark eighth among these 10 countries with per-capita gambling spending of DKK2,101 (US$341) for residents aged 18 years or older. Only Germany (DKK2,051) and Greece (DKK1,788) ranked lower.

At the other end of the spectrum, Finland topped the chart with DKK3,148, well out in front of runner-up Italy (DKK2,586) and third-place finisher Ireland (DKK2,546). Denmark also scored lower than Nordic neighbors Norway (DKK2,262), Iceland (DKK2,216) and Sweden (DKK2,163), while narrowly edging out the UK (DKK2,116).