Ethereum user pays $9,300 fee for a single transaction

Ethereum gained early attention from gambling developpers thanks to it’s small scale ability to create gambling dapps. But fees have continued to hold the blockchain back, and a recent scary example of a $9,300 fee for a single transaction is bound to scare more businesses away.

Reddit user “ProudBitcoiner” was the unfortunate victim of the fee. He explained what happened in a Reddit post.

“If you are curious what actually happened… Metamask didn’t populate the “Gas Limit” field with the correct amount in my previous transaction and that transaction failed, so I decided to change it manually in the next transaction (this one), but instead of typing 200000 in “Gas Limit” input field, I wrote it on the “Gas Price” input field, so I payed 200000 GWEI for this transaction and destroyed my life :/”

The failure has an obvious mix of user error and sloppy code, as the original failure of Metamask to populate a field was then compounded by the user’s error to input an amount in the wrong field. But a professionally built application would have avoided this mess. Those more professional applications haven’t come yet, as large enterprises don’t see the scaling capability they need to build a profitable operation on Ethereum.