FIFA president Sepp Blatter to resign as corruption allegations reach closer

FIFA president Sepp Blatter has announced he will step down from his role as allegations of corruption swirl ever closer to football’s iron throne.

Blatter surprised the world on Tuesday by announcing his decision, which came just days after he was re-elected to a fifth term as leader of the global football organization. In an early candidate for understatement of the year, Blatter said his re-election “does not seem to be supported by everybody in the world of football.”

Saying FFIA needed “a profound restructuring,” Blatter said he would call for a special election between December and March 2016 to appoint a new president. Blatter will stay on as FIFA boss until the election, which will be overseen by FIFA’s audit and compliance committee chairman Dominco Scala, who called Blatter’s decision “the most responsible way to ensure an orderly transition.”

In making his announcement, Blatter’s serious demeanor stood in stark contrast to his defiant press conference on Friday, when he rejected suggestions that he should stand down for the greater good of the organization. “Why would I step down? That would be admitting I did something wrong.”