Four casino operators in Macau have agreed to provide employee bonuses

Just like last year at this time, it has taken awhile for casino operators in Macau to figure out if employee bonuses were going to be on the table. SJM Holdings got the ball rolling this year when it announced at the beginning of the month that it was going to stick to its long-running plan of offering extra cash to its employees, and three more operators have now spoken up, as well. 2020 was a difficult year because of COVID-19, but Macau’s casino operators are doing their best to live up to the promises they have made annually to their employees. 

SJM said a couple of weeks ago that it would be paying out the “living subsidy” in accordance with an employee’s tenure and salary with the company, with half of the payment to be made this month and the other half in July. MGM China was the next operator to join in, announcing yesterday that it was prepared to give a “discretionary bonus” to certain non-management personnel. Those eligible to receive the money, approximately 90% of the workforce, can expect to start seeing the payments within the next couple of weeks. 

MGM China will offer one month’s salary to those employees, with plans to distribute the bonuses before and after the upcoming Chinese New Year (CNY) next month. There will be two installments distributed to all of the eligible workers, one before CNY on February 12 and the other after. However, exact dates weren’t provided. 

MGM China Executive Director and co-Chair Pansy Ho showed her appreciation for those employees who have helped the company overcome the challenging year, adding, “We thank our team members from the bottom of our hearts for staying united, as well as being loyal [to] contribute their best to the company.”