Gambling Industry Announcement and Partnership Roundup – April 21, 2020

In the fast moving world of gambling, sometimes you might miss news that could be important to you. To make sure you’re all caught up on gaming industry news, be it online or brick and mortar, we’re rounding up the some of the announcements and partnerships from the last week that you might have missed.

Final Program of Betting in face of COVID-19 for the EU Market

On April 17, Smile-Expo will hold Betting in face of COVID-19 online conference aimed at the EU market. The event is dedicated to the efficient strategies for overcoming the betting industry crisis during the pandemic. The program is already completed, let’s examine the list of speakers and their presentations.

Betting in face of COVID-19 will involve top betting market players, providers of betting products and services, representatives of sports organizations, consulting experts, as well as specialists in esports, virtual sports and fantasy sports.