GVC takes the term “Zombie Company” to a whole new level

Let’s play a game of wild imagination. Let’s imagine for a moment we’re at a 2020 New Year’s party. On New Year’s Eve 2019 I ask you what would be the absolute worst case scenario for GVC, short of an alien invasion or the sun going supernova and turning the Earth into a molten blob of rock. Think of the craziest thing you could possibly conjure up within the known laws of physics. You’d probably scratch your head, think really hard, and then say something totally nuts like “The global cancellation of all major sporting events simultaneously.”

“HA! That’s totally crazy!” I’d say, “But OK,” I’d continue, sniggering, “you tinfoil hat whacknutter but yeah, I guess that could happen in tinfoil hat universe.”

And then let’s say I asked you to guess what GVC’s stock price would be in the event that this totally insane scenario actually happened. You’d probably say a 70-80% fall would be reasonable. And then I’d say “HA! No it wouldn’t! GVC never falls!” And then you’d think I was the tinfoil hat guy. Which I am not, since the only foil I wear is aluminum.

(I bet if I actually wore an aluminum foil hat and mask outside it would look basically normal. Everything is so totally nuts now that if you dare walk into a bank without a bandana over your face, they kick you out for being a danger to society and you could get fined.)