Happy Holidays from CalvinAyre.com

It would be a serious understatement to say 2020 was a heck of a year. In January at ICE London, there was already some unease about the coronavirus. Little did we know how much our industry and our world would change.

The Ayre Media team is adaptable. Our office staff were all sent home the second week of March and we’ve yet to go back. Everyone from the writers to the people behind the scenes posting articles, creating images and handling all of our IT needs were able to adjust to working from home. Never having to get out of your pajama bottoms proved a big incentive.

We’re also innovative. 2020 was supposed to be a busy year with our team heading to conferences on four continents. But with travel off the table, the last conference I attended was ICE London. Thanks to the innovative nature of conference organizers – including SBC, SiGMA, Clarion, Reed, and so many others – the virtual conference was the place to see and be seen.

Sure, we weren’t able to toss back a few pints at the end of the day – at least, not in person – but we could still see familiar faces, learn about new trends and make deals, all from the comfort of home. I don’t know if much will open up in 2021, but until we can meet face to face, it’s still great to meet up screen to screen.