How to become a great player

The most important thing I believe is to be able to read your opponents. If you can read the opponents your playing against you can adjust your game so you can milk their chips. Also if you are able to read the people your playing it is easier for you to know your behind thus making it easier for you to muck hands and stop people milking you.

I believe luck has a small part to play in poker but this is very small.

The best players in the world arent players that chuck all in all the time these players like to see a flop. I mean ok the odds of AK beating pocket 8s it says 46% against 54% but lets work it out basically to hit a A or K the odds or 7-1 the odds of hitting a straight are god knows but higher than 7-1. So your heads up pocket 8s goes all in Ive seen a player fold to preflop all ins and he shows you AK AQ 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s even because he knows you dont win a tournament by flipping a coin you win by playing the game hope he doesnt mind me using his name but MTTCASHMAN what a player you are you have really opened my eyes. I havent seen him in action when he is deepstacked he may call the with AK AQ 2s 3s 4s 5s 6s but the person knows how to get in the money on a regular basis.