iOS14 its time to get excited about Apple’s new features

Apple has just released the latest version of its operating system iOS14 and the team decided to take it for a test drive. Normally, Apple fans wouldn’t be seeing a new operating system at this time of year. But the COVID-19 pandemic has seen the tech giant turn its focus from the iPhone 12 to releasing a new piece of software.

If you have an iPhone 6s or newer, then you’ll be seeing the option download iOS14. The latest version of the operating system has a raft of new changes and we looked under the hood and picked out some of our favourite new editions to the iPhone after installing the update.

Apps Clips – Say hello to my little friend

App Clips is a new feature on iOS 14 that allows you to download pieces of functionality without having to install a new app on your iPhone. If you are using your phone for a COVID-19 check-in at a restaurant, buying coffee or renting a scooter App Clips will take out the hassle of simple tasks on your phone.