Is now the right moment to join the Esports betting business?

This is a guest contribution by Paul Brel of LOOT.BET. If you would like to submit a contribution please contact Bill Beatty for submission details. Thank you.

Opinion: The Right Moment to Join the Esports Betting Business

For several years now, experts have been saying esports and esports betting are promising fields for investment. But despite this, many investors and entrepreneurs have remained passive, perhaps assuming the industry still needed time to mature, stabilize, and become more predictable. Today, it seems many are waiting for the COVID-19 crisis to pass before committing to action. Of course, this hesitation is perfectly understandable given the terrible impact the crisis is having on many sectors, but waiting could be a mistake. Why? Because esports has found itself in a very unusual position, and there are plenty of indicators that despite the turmoil the world is witnessing, now is an opportune time to enter the esports betting business, whether as an investor or a startup.

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