Italy’s retail gaming reopening timeline; no online casino surge

Italy’s retail gambling operators are preparing to restart their operations while the country’s online operators say they haven’t seen the rise in online casino activity that other markets have reported during the pandemic.

On Thursday, Italy’s Customs and Monopoly Agency issued an update re plans for reopening the nation’s retail businesses, including gambling businesses, that were ordered closed earlier this year as Italy tried to get control of the worst COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak in Europe.

As of April 27, Italy will allow tobacconists (which weren’t under closure orders) to resume selling certain numerical draw lottery products. As of May 4, lottery products that require verification by shop staff will be permitted.

Starting May 11, shops offering sports betting – on real sports or virtual ones – will be back in business, although they’ll have to keep their TV monitors off to discourage customers lingering longer than necessary. That same date will see the resumption of “collection through electronic slot-type devices machines.”