James Belding explains how Tokenized can cut out the middle men of gambling

We’ve previously seen how Bitcoin SV can become both the payment system and data layer for gambling operators, improving the efficiency of both and ultimately, the company’s bottom line. On February 20 at CoinGeek London, Tokenized CEO James Belding took to the stage to explain how his company can marry both pieces to create an end to end product for any company.

Belding began by describing the current status quo for most companies. Transactions are generally bundled, and settled in a “netted” system, where a third party takes on the risk of finalizing a transaction between two parties. “Bitcoin will become the ‘real-time’ gross settling system,” Belding declared. He explained:

“The exciting thing here is every single transaction, even at point of sale, retail, payments, financial instruments, everything can be done on a gross basis, and we no longer need these netted settlement layers.”

This can be done thanks to the speed, efficiency, and low cost of using the BSV blockchain, but also through the advanced capabilities of smart contracts to define terms. Contracts, coded to the blockchain, will signal when terms are met and pay out the involved parties accordingly. Oracles, Belding explained, work as a messaging system, defining the legal status of ownership of tokens. The result is that BSV becomes a universal source of truth for data records.