James Belding talks smart casino chip tokens on Bitcoin SV

The Tokenized protocol is promising to bring a whole world of Bitcoin SV (BSV) commerce and contracts to enterprise usage, and the gambling industry will not be left behind. James Belding, founder and CEO of Tokenized, joined our Becky Liggero Fontana on the sidelines of CG London to discuss the specific ways gambling can benefit from BSV smart contracts.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-JADszPXSY?feature=oembed&w=500&h=281]

For anyone still unfamiliar with the Tokenized protocol, Belding can sum it up pretty succinctly. “Within that protocol, you can issue smart contracts and tokens that represent different assets,” he said. “So an example of one that might be interesting to gaming companies is a casino chip token.”

The casino chip token isn’t just a theoretical thing, one company is already putting it to use. “So it represents basically a value in a particular currency, but it’s controlled by the casino itself and they can do with it what they will,” Belding explained. “So this can be used an online gaming, but it also be used in real-life casino games, and there’s actually a company called Bitboss out there that’s actually done a proof of concept with our protocol, and they’ve done a, I think it was roulette, online roulette, and they use a casino chip protocol.”