Lee Davy wants to help others kick addiction: The Long Con

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dmu0vUMKynk?feature=oembed&w=640&h=360]

Long-time readers of Calvinayre.com will be familiar with Lee Davy, who wrote for the site for years, providing great coverage of the Poker world. He’s come back to speak with our Becky Liggero Fontana on this week’s episode of The Long Con about his new project, 1000 Days Sober, and how everyone can live a better life by embracing sobriety.

Davy talks about his introduction to addiction through smoking, and how he gradually developed a drinking problem too. He’s made it his life passion to help others struggling with addiction, and explained where he gets his wisdom:

“It’s called the STRIVE method for addiction, and it’s an experience that is born out of my personal experience, and the teaching and training that I’ve learned from everybody along the way. It’s based on the Transtheoretical Behavioral Model of Addiction by a guy called James Prochaska, who wrote an amazing book called ‘Changing for Good,’ which basically says there are six stages of addiction. So addiction is a subjective experience for all of us, but his research showed that there are six specific phases, and that allowed me to think okay I kind of get this.”