Net Gaming Europe CEO Robert Andersson on COVID-19 impact

This is a guest contribution by Iain Fenton. If you would like to submit a contribution please contact Bill Beatty for submission details. Thank you.

How does Joining Net Gaming Europe compare with your previous roles at Catena Media Ltd and Enlabs AB?

There are a few differences. Enlabs is predominantly an operator and that role was completely new to me and upon joining Catena media I had very little insight into iGaming in general both from an operator side and affiliation. I came into Catena from an advertisement angle, I used to run an advertisement agency so that’s my real background. Of course, after learning affiliation with Catena it was a really interesting opportunity to get predominantly into the operator side of things which was very useful and if you look at it, it was a very similar situation to the one now where the company kind of hit a wall and had a few declining quarters and needed someone to come in and spark a change basically and that’s where I came in and that’s why they are similar.

Your goal at Net Gaming Europe is similar to what it was at Catena?