Problem gambling is on the decline in Germany, according to the findings of a new national addiction study.
Monday saw the release of the Drug and Addiction Report 2017, an every-other-year project of Germany’s Drug Commissioner of the Federal Government. The report primarily addresses intoxicants, but there is a five-page section (starting on page 67) that directly addresses gambling issues.
The survey queried some 11,500 respondents, of which 37.3% copped to having engaging in some form of gambling activity at least once in the previous 12 months. This is down from 40.2% in the most recent report, and down significantly from the 55% who answered ‘yes’ to that question in 2007.
Those who admitted to gambling were asked a series of 20 questions regarding their gambling activity. Answering ‘yes’ to three or four of these questions was sufficient to earn a respondent the status of ‘problem gambler’ while answering in the affirmative to five questions or more resulted in a more serious ‘pathological gambler’ designation.