Raising for Effective Giving Q2 Report

Lee Davy provides you with an update on the progress of Raising for Effective Giving (REG) with a look at their Q2 numbers.

My son is 14 years of age. If he chooses to leave school early, he will be looking for a job in less than two years time. I use the word ‘job’ instead of ‘career’ because at the age of 14 he has no idea what career he would like to have.

A dirty piece of math will show that my son will spend roughly 80,000 hours working in the career he is yet to choose. That’s a long time. I suggest he thinks long and hard about his decision.

As you are reading this then the likelihood is that you are a poker player. It seems pretty cool to spend 80,000 hours playing poker. It sure beats spending 80,000 hours working in the blast furnace of a steel mill.