Roger Ver to trade up to 130K BTC for BTU ahead of possible ‘fork’

Roger Ver, the man people call as the “Bitcoin Jesus,” has an offer that he can’t refuse.

According to a Reddit post, a Bitcoin bagholder signed a message from a wallet that contains 40,000 BTC. In the message, the bagholder—who identified himself as “Loaded”—challenged Ver to a BTC/BTU trade in the event that the dreaded hard fork occurs.

“@RogerVer let’s make a deal, 1 for 1 trade. At least 60k, possibly up to 130k, my BTU for your BTC,” the message read.

If you recall, bitcoin developers are currently embroiled in a heated debate on whether the block chain size limit should be supported. One group wants to build a platform called Bitcoin Unlimited, which would not put any restriction on the size of blocks for processing transactions, but another faction wants to maintain the original version called Bitcoin Core.